National Breweries Plc. Home of Opaque Beer as a responsible Corporate entity is committed to designing, implementing and sustaining a Safety, Health and Environmental Management System that meets the requirements and expectations of all stake holders which include, but not limited to; Our Employees, the Consumers/Customers, the government, Suppliers, Contractors and Visitors. We endeavor to achieve this noble objective by:

  • Complying with Safety, Health and Environmental applicable legal, regulatory, Industry and corporate requirements
  • Conducting Risk Assessments to identify hazards and assess associated risks and thereafter put measures in place for controls, mitigations and respond to emergencies promptly
  • Doing everything possible to meet the target of zero Injury, Illness and or Occupational related disease(s)
  • Taking Necessary measures that shall help in preventing pollution
  • Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments whenever establishing new products, facilities or changing existing facility
  • Adapting the most cost-efficient technologies which at the same time minimizing the adverse impact of our operations on Safety, Health and Environment
  • Enhancing Safety, Health and Environmental awareness employees, suppliers, Customers and other stakeholders through training, development and Education
  • Making optimal use of resources which are part of the process or product that may impact on the environment, by promoting the Reuse, Reduce and Recycling of waste or packaging materials and goods
  • Encouraging Suppliers and Contractors who provide goods and services to follow recognized environmental management practices
  • Empower all Employees and contractors to stop unsafe acts or unsafe working practices
  • Supporting Organizations that promote biodiversity, environmental awareness and conservation in line with our corporate social responsibility


Management shall ensure that this policy is communicated, understood, implemented and maintained all levels of the organization as well   as ensuring that this policy is regularly review and is in line with current Global Best practices.